This is entry number one! The purpose of this blog is to track and capture my journey towards my dream of becoming a professional bodybuilder. It sounds crazy right? Or like a passing thought of a dream - one a guy in a gym might have just because he wants to be bigger!! But this is more than that....I am going to catalogue my training and my progress yes. But I am also going to uncover my dreams, uncover my motivations, go into what makes this aspiration my path of choice and hopefully inspire and educate along the way.
I have been training myself for a number of years, and my training has always been a cornerstone of my life. Something from which I gain strength, balance and at times, resolve.
This journey, my journey, isn't just about getting as big as I can by pumping iron. I want to take this chance right from the outset to say that I am going to be taking this journey along the natural route. Any additional supplements added to my diet are strictly over the counter on the high street or from reputable brands online. I currently use PHD supplements, who support drug free athletes, and assure that their range can be used by drug tested that puts my mind at ease.
I do however want to express my respect for bodybuilders of all disciplines....natural or not!! Because those who use banned substances are also hardcore trainers and sweat blood and tears in the gym to get their size and conditioning too! I am an avid fan of all the pros at the top of the game, and I am not in a position to say who does or doesn't use banned substances. My love is there for all no matter what though!!!
So why am I doing it the natural way and making a point of it?? I want the real acid test of my physique capabilities. So when I get to way points in my career I can honestly say to myself and others that I built every fiber from the ground up.
I also want to help the sport of bodybuilding!! I consider all bodybuilders at all levels to be athletes, but they are not always treated that way. All train hard and push their bodies to the absolute extreme. Unfortunately, the stigma around the use of banned substances in the sport such as anabolic steroids is so great, that despite the large following and big endorsements, bodybuilding is still somewhat frowned upon as a sport by those outside of the "inner circle". I want to help change that!! That is why I am tracking my journey! To inspire others along the way and to increase exposure before I even get to the top - and when I do people will know I did it with just the blood and tears!
So I am going to be following the natural bodybuilding route from the get go....I'm going to trying to break into the Natural Physique Association ( The British Natural Bodybuilding Federation ( The World Natural Bodybuilding Federation ( Along with competitions like MuscleMania ( A key part of my insight into these organisations and a small "foot in the door" is my recent decision to do some training with a local pro natural bodybuilder. I am sure this is going to be a priceless resource and gives that extra stamp of approval on my natural bodybuilding journey.
Along the way the blog entries will continue, along with some video diaries and hopefully some training videos from the gym. I'll be taking regular photos and weight and growth changes, along with documenting my posing routines...(when I learn how to do them). I will also be trying to get some guest speakers to interview and to narrate some of the training videos, with much to be discussed, from bodybuilding, to injury, to nutrition plus training principles and more!!